Atlas 2600+ Icons, under MIT license, offers free open-source commercial icons.
Discover a vast collection of over 2600 high-quality Atlas Icons developed by Vectopus. These free, consistent line icons are perfect for UI/UX design and are available for commercial use under the MIT license. Need more customizable options? The design team welcomes feature requests via the "Suggest new icons/ Request custom icons" section on their website. Try it now and elevate your designs!
With Eaglepack, you gain access to a treasure trove of 2600+ SVG icons, neatly categorized into 41 themes. Whether it's achievements, fitness, cinema, or more, you'll find icons in a consistent, clean style that effortlessly matches your project's requirements. You might be impressed by the stunning "World Monuments" icons, representing recognizable architectural landmarks, just like I am. These icons are ideal for UI/UX designers, developers, and front-end engineers. Unlock their potential and get inspired!
However, if you are looking for PNG versions of the icons, you will need to access the full range in Atlas Icons by Vectopus by signing up with your email. But don't miss the chance to upgrade your designs by downloading Eaglepack now and exploring the world of high-quality, open-source design resources. Elevate your projects and bring your creative visions to life. Get started today!