"Uma Musume: Pretty Derby" has become a beloved multimedia project, originating from a popular Japanese game by Cygames. The characters, known as “horse girls” (ウマ娘 Uma Musume), are anthropomorphized versions of real-life racehorses, featuring diverse appearances and personalities. Their design is inspired by their equine counterparts, adding depth and excitement to the game's challenging gameplay.
The success of "Pretty Derby" can be attributed to its captivating storytelling, intricately weaving the horse girls' personalities and interactions with real-life racehorse inspiration. Players and fans appreciate the attention to detail, such as gender identification through ear decorations. As new characters continuously join the roster, the excitement of collecting and discovering subtle details further enhances the gaming experience.
In the Eaglepack, you can explore 109 character design illustrations, including concept art and brief introductions. Cygames fosters a vibrant fan community, encouraging creative content while adhering to guidelines that ensure the integrity of the project is maintained. Please refrain from sharing creations within the scope of “Pretty Derby” that include or feature the following:
Content that may harm the reputation or position of this work or any third party.
Violent, gory, or sexually explicit content.
Content that overly supports or disparages specific political, religious, or ideological views.
Content with antisocial depictions.
Content that infringes upon the rights of third parties.
To delve into the world of "Pretty Derby" character design, download this Eaglepack now and join the ever-growing fanbase!