Chōjū-giga, officially known as Chōjū-jinbutsu-giga, is a series of scroll paintings designated as a National Treasure of Japan. These scroll paintings portray characters and animals in a human-like and satirical style. The most iconic aspect of Chōjū-giga is a scroll depicting frogs, rabbits, monkeys, and foxes engaged in comical activities. It is considered one of Japan's oldest forms of comics, with drawing techniques that resemble modern manga.
In this Eaglepack, you can access two series of Chōjū-Giga Illustrations. The first series consists of 163 digitally processed SVG illustrations that can be used for commercial purposes. These free illustrations serve as references for character movements and offer a fresh take on traditional Japanese art. The second series focuses on creating communication stickers and provides 377 SVG illustrations for simplified character portrayals.
While the second pack of illustrations cannot be used personally or commercially, they serve as inspiration for your creative projects.
So, if you are interested in creating in a traditional Japanese style or enhancing your projects with fresh illustrations, don't miss the opportunity to download this Eaglepack. Whether you're an illustrator or graphic creator, the Japanese Manga illustrations are sure to provide valuable references for character movements and simplified features. Create your own character expressions or communication stickers for messaging applications and infuse your artistic projects with the iconic style of Chōjū-giga.
Download the Eaglepack of Chōjū-Giga Art now and embark on your creative journey!